Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
Proceedings of Refereed Conferences
Hansman, R.J., “The Effect of the Atmospheric Droplet Size Distribution on Aircraft Ice Accretion,” AIAA-84-0108, AIAA 22nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1984.
Hansman, R.J., “Studies of the Insect Collection Efficiency of Airfoils,” Proc. 4th Intl. Symposium. on the Science and Technology of Low Speed and Motorless Flight, February 1984.
Hansman, R.J., and Kirby, M.S., “Measurement of Ice Accretion Using Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Techniques,” AIAA-85-0471, AIAA 23rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1985.
Hansman, R.J., and Barsotti, M., “The Aerodynamic Effect of Surface Wetting Characteristics on a Laminar Flow Airfoil in Simulated Heavy Rain,” AIAA-85-0260, AIAA 23rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1985.
Hansman, R.J., and Kirby, M.S., “Real-Time Measurement of Ice Growth During Simulated and Natural Icing Conditions Using Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Techniques,” AIAA-86-0410, AIAA 24th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1986.
Hansman, R.J., and Kirby, M.S., “Experimental Measurements of Heat Transfer From an Iced Surface During Artificial and Natural Cloud Icing Conditions,” AIAA-86-1352, AIAA/ASME 4th Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, June 1986.
Peterson, L.D., Crawley, E.F., and Hansman, R.J., “Nonlinear Coupled Dynamics of Fluids and Spacecraft in Low Gravity,” Tenth U.S. Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 1986.
Crawley, E.F., Peterson, L.D., and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Measurements of the Nonlinear Coupled Dynamics of Fluids and Spacecraft in Low Gravity,” International Astronautical Federation Congress, Innsbruck, Austria, October 1986.
Hansman, R.J., and Kirby, M.S., “Development of Ultrasonic Ice Measurement Techniques for Aircraft Applications,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Aviation Safety, Toulouse, France, November 1986.
Hansman, R.J., and Craig, A., “Comparative Low Reynolds Number Tests of NACA 64-210, NACA 0012 and Wortmann FX67-K170 Airfoils in Heavy Rain,” AIAA-87-0259, AIAA 25th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1987.
Hansman, R.J., Kirby, M.S., McNight, R.C., and Humes, R.L., “In-Flight Measurement of Ice Growth on an Airfoil Using an Array of Ultrasonic Transducers,” AIAA-87-0178, AIAA 25th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1987.
Hansman, R.J., and Turnock, S., “Investigation of Surface Water Behavior During Glaze Ice Accretion,” AIAA-88-0015, AIAA 26th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1988.
Hansman, R.J., and Sturdy, J., “Dynamic Response of Aircraft-Autopilot Systems to Atmospheric Disturbances,” AIAA-88-0692, AIAA 26th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1988.
Peterson, L., Crawley, E.F., and Hansman, R.J., “The Nonlinear Dynamics of a Spacecraft Coupled to the Vibration of a Contained Fluid,” AIAA-88-2470, AIAA Structures Dynamics and Materials Conference April 1988.
Hansman, R.J., and Meserole, J.S., “Fundamental Limitations on Low Gravity Fluid Gauging Technologies Imposed by Orbital Mission Requirements,” AIAA-88-3402, AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 24th Joint Propulsion Conference, July 1988.
Hansman, R.J., and Turnock, S., “Investigation of Microphysical Factors Which Influence Surface Roughness During Glaze Ice Accretion,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, Paper A5-2, Paris, France, September 1988.
Hansman, R.J., and Lichtenfeltz, F., “Ultrasonic Techniques for Aircraft Ice Accretion Measurement,” AIAA-88-4656-CP, AIAA/NASA/AFWAL Conference on Sensors and Measurement, September 1988.
Hansman, R.J. and Kang, B., “Preliminary Definition of Pressure Sensing Requirements for Hypersonic Vehicles,” AIAA-88-4652-CP, AIAA/NASA/AFWAL Conference on Sensors and Measurement, September 1988.
Hansman, R.J., “The Influence of Ice Accretion Physics on the Forecasting of Aircraft Icing Conditions,” Paper 5.1, AMS/WMO Third International Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, January 1989.
Hansman, R.J., Potapczuk, M., Berkowitz, B., and Yamaguchi, K., “Modeling Surface Roughness Effects on Glaze Ice Accretion,”AIAA-89-0734, AIAA 27th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1989.
Hansman, R.J., and Wanke, C., “Cockpit Display of Hazardous Weather Information,” AIAA-89-0808, AIAA 27th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1989.
Avila de Melo, D., and Hansman, R.J., “Analysis of Aircraft Performance During Lateral Maneuvering for Microburst Avoidance,” AIAA-90-0568, AIAA 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1990.
Wanke, C., and Hansman, R.J., “Hazard Evaluation and Operational Cockpit Display of Ground Measured Windshear Data,” AIAA-90-0566, AIAA 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1990.
Yamaguchi, K., and Hansman, R.J., “Heat Transfer on Accreting Ice Surfaces,” AIAA-90-0200, AIAA 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1990.
Dershowitz, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Passive Infrared Ice Detection for Helicopter Applications,” AHS Annual Forum, May 1990.
Lupi, V., and Hansman, R.J., “Preliminary Results From the MIT Acoustic Levitation Test Facility,” AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, July 1990.
Barrows, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Design of an Inexpensive Test System for Inflight Evaluation of Automated Planning Algorithms,” Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems Symposium, July 1990.
Hansman R.J., Wanke, C., Bussolari, S., and Chandra, D., “A Comparison of Voice and Datalink for ATC Amendments and Hazardous Wind Shear Alerts,” 4th International Symposium on Aviation and Space Safety, Toulouse, France, November 1990.
Wanke, C., and Hansman, R.J., “Alert Generation and Cockpit Presentation for an Integrated Microburst Alerting System,” AIAA-91-0260, AIAA 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1991.
Yamaguchi, K., Hansman, R.J., and Kazmierczak, M., “Deterministic Multi-Zone Ice Accretion Modeling,” AIAA-91-0265, AIAA 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1991.
Dershowitz, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Evaluation of Passive Infrared Ice Detection for Helicopter Applications,” AIAA-91-0667, AIAA 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1991.
Mykityshyn, M., Kuchar, J., and Hansman, R.J., “Electronic Presentation of Instrument Approach Information,” Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1991.
Wanke, C., and Hansman, R.J., “Hazard Assessment and Cockpit Presentation Issues for Microburst Alerting Systems,” Paper 3.2, AMS/WMO 4th International Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, June 1991.
Wanke, C., and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Evaluation of Candidate Graphical Microburst Alert Displays,” AIAA-92-0292, AIAA 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1992.
Hansman, R.J., Reehorst, A., and Sims, J., “Analysis of Surface Roughness Generation in Aircraft Ice Accretion,” AIAA-92-0298, AIAA 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1992.
Wanke, C., and Hansman, R.J., “A Data Fusion Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Microburst Hazard Assessment,” AIAA-92-4339, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, August 1992.
Hansman, R.J., Wanke, C., Mykityshyn, M., Kuchar, J., Hahn, E., and Midkiff, A., “Hazard Alerting and Situational Awareness in Advanced Air Transport Cockpits,” ICAS-92-3.9.4, 18th ICAS Congress, Beijing, China, September 1992.
Wanke, C., Kuchar, J., Hahn, E., Pritchett, A., and Hansman, R.J., “A Graphical Workstation Based Part-Task Flight Simulator for Preliminary Rapid Evaluation of Advanced Displays,” SAE-92-95TI, SAE Aerotech ’92, October 1992.
Midkiff, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Identification of Important ‘Party Line’ Information Elements and the Implications for Situational Awareness in the Datalink Environment,” SAE-92-2023, SAE Aerotech ’92 (Note: also published in special publication SAE-SP-933, Enhanced Situational Awareness Technology for Retrofit and Advanced Cockpit Design, October 1992.
Hahn, E. and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Studies on the Effect of Automation on Pilot Situational Awareness in the Datalink ATC Environment,” SAE-92-2022, SAE Aerotech ’92 (Note: also published in special publication SAE-SP-933, Enhanced Situational Awareness Technology for Retrofit and Advanced Cockpit Design, October 1992.
Reehorst, A., Vargas, M., Hazan, D., Breuer, K., and Hansman, R.J., “Close-up Analysis of Aircraft Ice Accretion Roughness,” AIAA-93-0029, AIAA 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1993.
Bilanin, A., Hansman, R.J., Adams, R., and Schlatter, E., “Technical Issues Pertaining to Ground De-Icing Hold Over Times,” AIAA-93-0750, AIAA 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1993.
Crawley, E., Greitzer, S. Widnall, S. Hall, H. McManus, J. Shea, and M. Landahl, “Reform of the Aeronautics and Astronautics Curriculum at MIT,” AIAA-93-0325, AIAA 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1993.
Wanke, C., and Hansman, R.J., “A Model-Based Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Estimation of Microburst Hazard Characteristics,” AMS 8th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, January 1993.
Mykityshyn, M., and Hansman, R.J., “Electronic Instrument Approach Plates: The Effect of Selective Decluttering on Flight Crew Performance,” Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1993.
Pritchett, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Preliminary Analysis of Pilot Rankings of ‘Party Line’ Information Importance,” Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1993.
Kuchar, J., and Hansman, R.J., “Part-Task Simulator Evaluations of Advanced Terrain Displays,” SAE 932570, SAE Aerotech ’93, September 1993.
Henry, R.C., Hansman, R.J., and Breuer, K.S., “Measurement of Heat Transfer Variation on Surface Roughness Elements Using Infrared Techniques,” AIAA-94-0801, AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1994.
Yang, L., and Hansman, R.J., “A Human Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Vision Systems for Approach and Landing,” Paper No. 2220-27, Proceedings of the SPIE Technical Conference: Sensing, Imaging, and Vision for Control and Guidance of Aerospace Vehicles, April 1994.
Velazquez, M.T., and Hansman, R.J., “Implementation of Combined Feather and Surface Normal Ice Growth Models in LEWICE/X,” AIAA-95-0753, AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1995.
Anagnostakis, I., Hansman, R.J., and Khayms, V., “Microphysical Observations of Precipitation Impact and Melting on Non-Newtonian De-Icing Fluids,” AIAA-95-0657, AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1995.
Orr, D.J., Breuer, K., and Hansman, R.J., “Quantitative Analysis of Ice Accretion Roughness Using Spectral and Stochastic Techniques,” AIAA-95-0888, AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1995.
Clarke, J.P., and Hansman, R.J., “Parametric Study of the Noise Impact of Approach and Departure Using Advanced Flight Guidance Techniques,” AIAA-95-0835, AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1995.
Amar, M., Hansman, R.J., Vaneck, T., Chaudhry, A., and Hannon, D., “A Preliminary Evaluation of Electronic Taxi Charts with GPS Derived Position for Airport Surface Situational Awareness,” Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1995.
Pritchett, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Variations on ‘Party Line’ Information Importance between Pilots of Different Characteristics,” Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1995.
Vakil, S., Hansman, R.J., and Midkiff, A., “Feedback Mechanisms to Improve Mode Awareness in Advanced Autoflight Systems,” Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1995.
Clarke, J.P., Hansman, R.J., and Fricke, J.R., “Determining Aircraft Exclusion Zones for Noise Sensitive Areas Using Acoustic Reciprocity and Linear Superposition,” CEAS/AIAA First Joint Aeroacoustics Conference, Munich, Germany, June 1995.
Yang, L., and Hansman, R.J., “Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Making Subjective Comparisons Between Multiple Automation/Display Options,” 6th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems, June 1995.
Vakil, S., Hansman, R.J., Midkiff, A., and Vaneck, T., “Mode Awareness in Advanced Autoflight Systems,” 6th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems, June 1995.
Kuchar, J., and Hansman, R.J., “A Probabilistic Methodology for the Evaluation of Alerting System Performance,” 6th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems, June 1995.
Hansman, R.J., Pritchett, A., and Midkiff, A., “‘Party Line’ Information Use Studies and Implications for ATC Datalink Communications,” Fifth International Conference on Human-Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace, Toulouse, France, September 1995.
Pritchett, A., Hansman, R.J., and Johnson, E., “Use of Testable Responses for Performance-Based Measurement of Situation Awareness,” International Conference on Experimental Analysis and Measurement of Situation Awareness, November 1995.
Vakil, S., Hansman, R.J., and Midkiff, A., “Impact of Vertical Situation Information on Vertical Mode Awareness in Advanced Autoflight Systems,” 14th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionic Systems Conference, November 1995.
Pritchett, A., Hansman, R.J., and Midkiff, A., “‘Party Line’ Information Use Studies and Implications for ATC Datalink Communications,” (Selected as Best Paper), 14th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionic Systems Conference, November 1995.
Pritchett, A., Carpenter, B., Asari, K., Kuchar, J., and Hansman, R.J., “Issues in Airborne Systems for Closely Spaced Parallel Runway Operations,” 14th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionic Systems Conference, November 1995.
Schroll, S., and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Investigation of Contamination and Adhesion Failure of Type 2 Ground De-Icing Fluids,” AIAA-96-0392, AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1996.
Orr, D.J., and Hansman, R.J., “Spectral Analysis and Experimental Simulation of Ice Accretion Roughness,” AIAA-96-0865, AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1996.
Vakil, S., Hansman, R.J., and Midkiff, A., “Preliminary Results of the Experimental Evaluation of a Prototype Electronic Vertical Situation Display,” 8th European Aviation Safety Seminar, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 1996.
Bachelder, E., and Hansman, R.J., “Issues in Simultaneous HMD Display of Multi-Reference Frames for Helicopter Applications,” Paper 2736-23, SPIE Conference 2736: Enhanced and Synthetic Vision, April 1996.
Johnson, E., and Hansman, R.J., “Multi-Agent Flight Simulation with Robust Situation Generation,” AIAA-96-3553, AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference, July 1996.
Pritchett, A., Barhydt, R., Hansman, R.J., and Johnson, E., “Flight Simulator Testing of Cockpit Traffic Displays Using Robust Situation Generation,” AIAA-96-3554, AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference, July 1996.
Pritchett, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Study of Collision Detection Schema Used by Pilots During Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches,” AIAA-96-3762, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, July 1996.
Clarke, J.P., and Hansman, R.J., “Systems Analysis of Noise Abatement Approach Procedures Enabled by Advanced Flight Guidance Techniques,” AIAA-97-0490, AIAA 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1997.
Breuer, K.S., Torres, B.E., Orr, D.J., and Hansman, R.J., “Heat Transfer Measurements on Surfaces with Natural Ice Castings and Modeled Roughness,” AIAA-97-1018, AIAA 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1997.
Bachelder, E., and Hansman, R.J., “Enhanced Spatial State Feedback for Night Vision Goggle Displays,” Paper 3058-23, SPIE Aerosense 1997, Conference 3058: Head Mounted Displays II, April 1997.
Barhydt, R., and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Studies of Intent Information on Cockpit Traffic Displays,” Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1997.
Dershowitz, A., and Hansman, R.J., “An Exploration of Options in Value Based Aeronautical Decision Making,” Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1997.
Pritchett, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Experimental Studies of Pilot Performance at Collision Avoidance During Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches,” Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 1997.
Bachelder, E., and Hansman, R.J., “Enhanced Spatial State Feedback for Night Vision Goggle Displays,” U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center Situational Awareness Symposium, June 1997.
Hansman, R.J., Kuchar, J., Pritchett, A., Clarke, J.P., Vakil, S., and Barhydt, R., “Integrated Human Centered Systems Approach to the Development of Advanced Air Traffic Management Systems,” Eurocontrol ATM ï97 R&D Seminar, Saclay, France, June 1997.
Vakil, S., and Hansman, R.J., “Human Centered Development of Information Systems and Decision Aids in Advanced Air Traffic Management and Flight Management Systems,” Paper No. 844, International Ergonomics Association 13th Triennial Congress, Tampere, Finland, June/July 1997.
Vakil, S., and Hansman, R.J., “Predictability as a Metric of Automation Complexity,” Human Factors & Ergonomics Society 41st Annual Meeting, September 1997.
Bachelder, E., and Hansman, R.J., “A Methodology for State Feedback Perception Measurement Applied to Rotorcraft Night Vision Goggle Displays,” 16th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 1997.
Hansman, R.J., Kuchar, J., Clarke, J.-P., Vakil, S., Barhydt, R., and Pritchett, A., “Integrated Human Centered Systems Approach to the Development of Advanced Cockpit and Air Traffic Management Systems,” 16th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 1997.
Pritchett, A., and Hansman, R.J., “Pilot Non-Conformance to Alerting System Commands During Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches,” 16th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 1997.
Hansman, R.J., and Vakil, S., “Functional Models of Flight Automation Systems to Support Design, Certification, and Operation,” AIAA-98-1035, AIAA 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1998.
Deyst, J., Hansman, J., and Kornfeld, R., “Single Antenna GPS Based Aircraft Attitude Determination,” Institute of Navigation National Technical Meeting: Navigation 2000, Long Beach, CA, January 1998.
De Weck, O., Miller, D., and Hansman, R.J., “Adaptive Technique for Radiation Pattern Shaping of Parabolic Mesh Antennas: A Low Cost Application of SMA Actuators in Spacecraft,” ACTUATOR 98, Bremen, Germany, June 1998.
Idris, H., Delcaire, B., Anagnostakis, I., Hall, W., Pujet, N., Feron, E., Hansman, R.J., Clarke, J.-P. and Odoni, A., “Identification of Flow Constraint and Control Points in Departure Operations at Airport Systems,” AIAA-98-4291, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, August 1998.
Amonlirdviman, K., Farley, T., Hansman, R.J., Ladik, J., and Sherer, D., “A Distributed Simulation Facility to Support Human Factors Research in Advanced Air Transportation Technology,” 1998 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL, September 1998.
Endsley, M., Hansman, R.J., and Farley, T., “Shared Situation Awareness in the Flight Deck – ATC System,” 17th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Seattle, WA, October/November 1998.
Kornfeld, R., Hansman, R.J., and Deyst, J., “Preliminary Flight Test of Pseudo-Attitude Control Using Single Antenna GPS Sensing,” 17th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Seattle, WA, October/November 1998.
Vakil, S., and Hansman, R.J., “Analyzing Mode Transition Matrices,” 17th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Seattle, WA, October/November 1998.
Vakil, S., and Hansman, R.J., “Operator Directed Common Conceptual Models for Advanced Aircraft Automation,” 17th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Seattle, WA, October/November 1998.
Hansman, R.J., Endsley, M., Farley, T., Vigeant-Langlois, L., and Amonlirdviman, K., “The Effect of Shared Information on Pilot/Controller Situation Awareness and Re-Route Negotiation,” FAA/Eurocontrol 2nd International Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar (ATM 98), Orlando, FL, December 1998.
Idris, H., Delcaire, B., Hall, W., Anagnostakis, I., Hansman, R.J., Feron, E., and Odoni, A., “Observations of Departure Planning Processes at Logan Airport to Support the Development of Departure Planning Tools,” FAA/Eurocontrol 2nd International Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar (ATM 98), Orlando, FL, December 1998. Also presented at FAA/Europe Workshop on Human Machine Interaction, Toulouse, France, April 1999.
Vigeant-Langlois, L., and Hansman, R.J., “Pilot Information Needs and Strategies for Operations in Icing Conditions,” Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, May 1999.
Farley, T., Hansman, R.J., Endsley, M., and Amonlirdviman, K., “The Effects of Shared Information on Pilot-Controller Situation Awareness and Re-Route Negotiation,” Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, May 1999.
Deyst, J., Kornfeld, R., and Hansman, R.J., “Single Antenna GPS Information Based Aircraft Attitude Redundancy,” 1999 American Control Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1999.
Vigeant-Langlois, L., and Hansman, R.J., “Human-Centered Design Considerations for In-Flight Remote Sensing Icing Avoidance,” Fourth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 1999.
Vakil, S., and Hansman, R.J., “Approaches to Mitigating Complexity-Driven Issues in Commercial Autoflight Systems,” 3rd Workshop on Human Error, Safety, and System Development (HESSD’99), Liège, Belgium, June 1999.
Atkins, S., and Hansman, R.J., “Calculating Dependent Surveillance Update Rates by Modeling the Time-Dependence of Information Value,” AIAA-99-4145, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Portland, OR, August 1999.
Hansman, R.J., “The Effect of Shared Information on Pilot/Controller and Controller/Controller Interactions,” Workshop on Advanced Technologies and their Impact on Air Traffic Management in the 21st Century (ATM ’99), Capri, Italy, September 1999.
Vigeant-Langlois, L., and Hansman, R.J., “The Influence of Icing Information on Pilot Strategies for Operating in Icing Conditions,” AIAA-2000-0365, AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2000.
Reynolds, T., and Hansman, R.J., “Analysis of Separation Minima Using a Surveillance State Vector Approach,” FAA/Eurocontrol 3rd International Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar (ATM-2000), Napoli, Italy, June 2000.
Anagnostakis, I., Idris, H., Clarke, J.-P., Feron, E.,Hansman, R.J., Odoni , A., and Hall, W., “A Conceptual Design of a Departure Planner Decision Aid,” FAA/Eurocontrol 3rd International Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar (ATM-2000), Napoli, Italy, June 2000.
Vigeant-Langlois, L., and Hansman, R.J., “Pilot Information Requirements for Improved In-Flight Icing Decisions,” 9th AMS Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Orlando, FL, September 2000.
Murman, E.M., Hansman, R.J., and Clarke, J.-P., “Aircraft System and Product Development: Teaching the Conceptual Phase,” AIAA-2001-0866, AIAA 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 2001.
Vigeant-Langlois, L., and Hansman, R.J., “A Hazardous Weather Risk Characterization Model Based on Icing Information Requirements Studies,” Eleventh Biennial International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, March 2001.
Saleh, J.H., Kaliardos, W.N., Hastings, D.E., Hansman, R.J., and Newman, D.J., “On Flexibility in System Design,” 11th Annual INCOSE International Systems Engineering Symposium (INCOSE 2001), Melbourne, Australia, July 2001.
Histon, J., Aigoin, G., Delahaye, D., Hansman, R.J., and Puechmorel, S., “Introducing Structural Considerations Into Complexity Metrics,” FAA/Eurocontrol 4th International Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar (ATM-2001), Santa Fe, NM, December 2001 (selected as best paper in track).
Reynolds, T.G., Hansman, R.J., “Conformance Monitoring Approaches in Current and Future Control Environments,” 19th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2002.
Doble, N., and Hansman, R.J., “Preliminary Design and Evaluation of Portable Electronic Flight Progress Strips,” 19th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2002.
Histon, J., and Hansman, R.J., “Structural Considerations and Cognitive Complexity in Air Traffic Control,” 19th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2002.
Tam, R., Hansman, R.J., “Impact of Air Transportation on Regional Economic and Social Connectivity in the United States”, AIAA Aircraft Technology, Integration, and Operations Forum, Los Angeles, CA, October 2002.
Reynolds,T.G, Histon, J.M., Davison, H, and Hansman, R.J., “Structure, Intent & Conformance Monitoring in ATC,” Workshop on Advanced Technologies and their Impact on Air Traffic Management in the 21st Century (ATM 2002), Capri, Italy, September 2002.
Davison, H. J. ,and Hansman , R. J., “Use of Structure as a Basis for Abstraction in Air Traffic Control”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, March, 2003.
Vigeant-Langlois , L., and Hansman, R. J., “Implications of Contingency Planning Support for Weather and Icing”, Information FAA In-flight Icing/Ground De-icing International Conference & Exhibition, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, June 16-20, 2003.
Davison, H. J., Histon, J. M., Ragnarsdottir, M. D., Major, L. M. and Hansman R. J., “Impact of Operating Context on the Use of Structure in Air Traffic Controller Cognitive Processes”, 5th Eurocontrol / FAA ATM R&D Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 23rd – 27th June, 2003.
Mozdzanowska, A., Hansman, R. J., Histon J. M., and Delahaye, D.,”Emergence Of Regional Jets And The Implications On Air Traffic Management”, 5th Eurocontrol / FAA ATM R&D Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 23rd – 27th June 2003.
Reynolds , T. G., Hansman, R. J., and Li, H., “Investigating Fundamental Issues in Lateral Conformance Monitoring Using a Fault Detection Approach”, 5th Eurocontrol / FAA ATM R&D Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 23rd – 27th June 2003.
Mozdzanowska, A., Hansman , R. J., “Observations and Potential Impacts of Regional Jet Operating Trends”, Aviation Management Education and Research Conference ( AMERC), Montreal, July 2004.
Tam, R., Hansman, R. J., “Air Transportation And Socioeconomic Connectivity In The United States Since Deregulation”, Aviation Management Education and Research Conference ( AMERC), Montreal, July 2004.
Reynolds , T. G. , Hansman, R. J., “Analyzing Conformance Monitoring in Air Traffic Control Using Fault Detection Approaches & Operational Data”, AIAA Guidance, Navigation & Control Conference, Austin, TX, 11-14 August 2003.
Jiang, H., Ren, L., Hansman, R. J., “Market and Infrastructure Analysis of Future Air Cargo Demand in China “,AIAA 3rd Annual Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Technical Forum, Denver, Colorado ,17-19 Nov, 2003.
E. Murman, J-P Clarke, R. J Hansman, “Aircraft and Air Transportation Systems Curriculum at MIT”, ICAS 2004-7.8.1, ICAS 2004 Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Yokohama , Japan, Sept 1, 2004.
T. Reynolds, T. G., Bolszak R., Tarakan, R., Hansman, R. J., ‘Improving Surveillance of Clearances in Future Air Traffic Control Systems,” AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Technical Forum, Chicago, Sept 2004.
Bonnefoy, P., Hansman, R. J., “Emergence and Impact of Secondary Airports in the United States,” AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Technical Forum, Chicago, Sept 2004.
Weibel, R., Hansman, R. J., “Safety Considerations for Operation of Different Classes of UAVs in the NAS,” AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Technical Forum, Chicago, Sept 2004.
Major, L., Johannsson, H., Davison, H., Hvannberg, E., “Key Human-Centered Transition Issues for Future Oceanic Air Traffic Control Systems,” HCI-Aero, Toulouse, Sept 2004.
Lohrenz, M.C. and Hansman, R.J. “Investigating Issues Of Display Content Vs. Clutter During Air-To-Ground Targeting Missions.” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 48th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 20-24, 2004.
Hansman, R. J., “The Impact of Information Technologies on Air Transportation”, AIAA-2005-0001, AIAA 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, Jan. 2005.
Major-Forrest, L. Hansman, R. J., “Experimental Analysis of the Integration of Mixed Surveillance Frequency Into Oceanic ATC Operations”, Aviation Psychology, April 2005.
Davison Reynolds, H., Reynolds, T. G., & Hansman, R. J. “Human Factors Implications of Continuous Descent Approach Procedures for Noise Abatement in Air Traffic Control” , Proceedings of the 6th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R & D Seminar, Baltimore. June 23, 2005.
Weibel, R. E. Hansman, R. J., “An Integrated Approach to Evaluating Risk Mitigation Measures for UAV Operational Concepts in the NAS”, AIAA-2005-6957. AIAA’s 4th Infotech@Aerospace Conference,. Arlington, VA. September 26 – 29, 2005.
Jaing, H,. Hansman, R. J., “An Analysis of Profit Cycles in the Airline Industry”, AIAA-2006-7732, 6th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference, Wichita, September 2006.
A. Mozdzanowska, R. Weibel, E. Lester, R.J. Hansman. The Dynamics of Air Transportation System Transition. In Proceedings of the 7th Air Traffic Management Conference. Barcelona Spain. July 2007.
A. Mozdzanowska, R.J. Hansman. Crisis Events as a Catalyst for Change in the US Air Transportation System – Implications for Capacity. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation. Stavanger, Awarded Best Paper, Norway. June 2007.
Bonnefoy, P. and Hansman, R.J. “Scalability and Evolutionary Dynamics of Air Transportation Networks in the United States”, AIAA-2007-7773 , 7th AIAA ATIO Conf, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Sep. 18-20, 2007.
A. Mozdzanowska, R. Weibel, E. Lester, R. Hansman, A. Weigel, and K. Marais, “Dynamics of Air Transportation System Transition and Implications for ADS-B Equipage” AIAA-2007-7776 , 7th AIAA ATIO Conf, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, Sep. 18-20, 2007.
M. Ishutkina and R. Hansman. “Analysis of the Interaction between Air Transportation and Economic Activity” ICAS-2008-10-4-2, AIAA-2008-8888 , 26th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage Alaska, Sep. 15-18, 2008.
N.V. Campos, A.L Weigel and R. Hansman. “Preliminary Analysis of Strategies to Encourage Data Link Adoption Over the North Atlantic Airspace” ICAS-2008-8-8-3, AIAA-2008-8953, 26th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage Alaska, Sep. 15-18, 2008.
Kar, R., Bonnefoy, P., Sgouridis, S. and R. Hansman “Dynamics of Implementation of Mitigating Measures to Reduce Commercial Aviation’s Environmental Impacts” 9th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Hilton Head, AIAA-2009-6935. September 2009.
P. Bonnefoy ad R. Hansman “Operational Implications of Cruise Speed Reductions for Next Generation Fuel Efficient Subsonic Aircraft” 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Nice, September 2010.
T. Reynolds, K.Marais, D. Muller, P. Uday, J. Lovegren, and R. Hansman, “Evaluation of Potential Near-Term Operational Changes to Mitigate Environmental Impacts of Aviation” 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Nice, September 2010.
Morrison, J, Bonnefoy, P., and R. Hansman, “Investigation of the Impact of Effective Fuel Cost Increase on the US Air Transportation Network and Fleet”, 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Fort Worth, Oct 2010.
Azzam, M, Bonnefoy, P., and R. Hansman, “Investigation of the Fuel Economy of the US Air Transportation Network Structure”, 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Fort Worth, Oct 2010.
Li, L, Cho, H, Palacios, R, and R. Hansman, “Aircraft-Based Complexity Assessment for Radar Controllers in the Multi-Sector Planner Experiment”, 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Fort Worth, Oct 2010.
Bonnefoy, P. and R. Hansman, “Operational Implications of Cruise Speed Reductions for Next Generation Fuel Efficient Subsonic Aircraft”, ICAS 2010, 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Nice September 2010.
Kar, R., Bonnefoy, P., Sgouridis, S. and R. Hansman “Assessment of the Fleet-wide Effects of the Dynamics of Diffusion of New Fuel Efficient Aircraft”, TRB, Washington, January 2011.
Histon, J.and Hansman, R.J., “The Use of Structure in Air Traffic Control Communications”, 58th Aeronautics Conference of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, May 2011, Montreal.
Bagat, R., Histon, J., Filho, E. and Hansman, R.J., “The Use of Structure in Air Traffic Control Communications”, 58th Aeronautics Conference of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, May 2011, Montreal.
Cho, A., Histon, J., Filho, E. and Hansman, R.J., “Assessing Air Traffic Control Airspace Similarities with at Decompositional Classification Approach”, 58th Aeronautics Conference of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, May 2011, Montreal.
Bhagat, R., Histon, J., Filho, E. and Hansman, R.J., “Characterizing Air Traffic Controller Sector Specific Knowledge: An Abstraction Based Analysis”, International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton OH, May 2011.
Cho, A., Histon, J., Filho, E. and Hansman, R.J., “Identification Of Air Traffic Control Sectors With Common Structural Features”, International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton OH, May 2011.
Simaiakis, I, Khadilkar, H., Balakrishnan, H., Reynolds, T. G., Hansman, R. J., Reilly, and Urlass, S.. “Demonstration of Reduced Airport Congestion through Pushback Rate Control,” USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar, June 2011.
Churchill, A, Ball, M., Donaldson, A and Hansman, R.J., “Integrating Best-Equipped Best-Served Principles in Ground Delay Programs,” USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar, June 2011.
Histon, J. and Hansman, R.J., “The Structure Hierarchy: a Framework for Understanding Air Traffic Controller Complexity”, Naturalistic Decision Making 2011, June 2011.
Dumont, J., Reynolds, T. and Hansman, R.J., “Fuel Burn and Emissions Reduction Potential of Low Power / Low Drag Approaches”, 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Virginia Beach, September 2011.
Gariel, M., Hansman, R.J. and Frazzoli, E, “Impact of GPS and ADS-B Accuracy on Conflict Detection Performance in Dense Traffic”, 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Virginia Beach, September 2011.
Kunzi, F and Hansman, R.J., “Mid-Air Collision Risk and Areas of High-Benefit for Traffic Alerting Systems”, 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Virginia Beach, September 2011.
Kunzi, F and Hansman, R.J., “Survey of Potential ADS-B Benefits for the Soaring Community”, 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Virginia Beach, September 2011.
Morrison, J., Sgouridis,. S. and Hansman, R.J., “Game Theory Analysis of the Impact of Single Isle Aircraft Competition on Fleet Emissions ”, 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Virginia Beach, September 2011.
Li,. L., Gariel, M. and Hansman, R.J., “Detection of Anolomous Flights Using Cluster Analysis of Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) Data”, 30th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Seattle, October 2011.
Gariel, M., Kunzi F. and Hansman, R.J., “An Algorithm for Conflict Detection in Dense Traffic using ADS-B”, 30th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Seattle, October 2011.
Histon, J. and Hansman, R.J.,“Air Traffic Controller Operating Modes and Cognitive Complexity Regulation”, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, October 2011.
Dumont, J., Reynolds, T. and Hansman, R.J.,“ Analyzing Opportunities and Barriers of Delayed Deceleration Approach Procedures to Reduce Fuel Burn”, 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Indianapolis, September 2012.
Das, S., Li, L., Srivastava, A. and Hansman, R.J.,“ Comparison of Algorithms for Anomaly Detection in Flight Data Recorder Data of Airline Operations”, 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Indianapolis, September 2012.
O’Neill, G., Dumont, J. and Hansman, R.J.,“ Use of Hyperspace Trade Analyses to Evaluate Environmental and Performance Tradeoffs for Cruise and Approach Operations”, 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Indianapolis, September 2012.
Butchibabu, A, Grayhem R., Hansman, R.J., and Chandra, D.,“NextGen RNAV and RNP Charts: Evaluating a De-Cluttering Technique”, 31st Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Williamsburg VA, Oct. 2012.
Cho, H., Azzam, M., Hansman, R.J., “Noise Analysis and Negotiation Tool for Terminal RNP Procedure Design “, 2013 Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Los Angeles, August 2013.
Sandberg, M, Reynolds, T,, Jensen, L., Hansman, R.J., “Fuel Burn Reduction Using Cruise Altitude Optimization “, 2013 Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Los Angeles, August 2013.
Yutko, B., Azzam, M., Mozdznowska, A., Hansman, R.J., “Exploring the Relationship Between Aircraft Design Reference Mission and Fuel Efficiency in the Air Transportation System “, 2013 Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Los Angeles, August 2013.
McConnachie, D., Wollersheim C., Hansman, R.J., “The Impact of Fuel Price on Airline Fuel Efficiency and Operations “, 2013 Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Los Angeles, August 2013.
Jensen, L., Venuti, J. Reynolds, T., Sandberg, M., Hansman, R.J., “Commercial Airline Speed Optimization Strategies for Reduced Cruise Fuel Consumption“, 2013 Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Los Angeles, August 2013.
Sridhar, B., Hok, K. N., Chen,N., Gao, H., Azzam, Hansman, R.J., “Energy Efficient Trajectory Design For Minimizing Climate Impact of Aircraft on Various Timescales”, 2013 Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Los Angeles, August 2013.